Friday, February 28, 2014

The Most Amazing Sight!

I am still on Cloud 9 from two days ago when we first saw Baby LaTour on ultrasound!  His/her heartbeat was 123 beats per minute and his/her length from crown to rump was 0.45cm.  Wow, so tiny!

Baby LaTour & yolk sac at 6 weeks, 2 days.
Yes, I cried.  Whether the tears were from the hormones or the fact that we're finally having a baby, I'm not sure.  But it was an amazing moment for Craig and I in the ultrasound room.  The best part is that since everything is looking good, we won't have another ultrasound for another 12 weeks, until I'm 18 weeks along in mid-May.  Although, I'm sad we won't have an updated picture until then!

I went ahead and scheduled doctor appointments through June (I'll be roughly 22 weeks by then!) so that I could make sure they would work with my work schedule.  One is at a lovely 7:30am so that we could fit it in, but we have to do what we have to do!

Most of my nausea is still being held at bay by the lovely works of my acupuncturist.  I've been able to eat better this week than last week this time, when I was having more "morning" (aka comes at any time of the day) sickness in the form of nausea.  Otherwise, I'm just trying to enjoy the moments while Craig and I plan the updates/upgrades in the baby's room:  way too many to list here!

6 Weeks Pregnant
I also bought this maternity shirt with 40 numbers on the front to cross out as you go through weeks, for photos.  I thought the largest size would fit, but apparently this manufacturer thinks that pregnant women are a size 0 and that spandex is flattering!  Well, it's worth a shot to see if it gets better looking once my pregnant tummy fills it out more!  At least it makes "the girls" look pretty good!

The not-so-wonderful countdown shirt!

Monday, February 24, 2014

HCG Take Three!

Good news:  HCG level is up to 15,580 as of yesterday.  We've scheduled our first ultrasound for the day after tomorrow!  I can't wait to meet our baby!  Craig and I are so excited.  I hope everything will look normal and healthy.

HCG level on 02/23/14

As long as all is ok, we will probably tell the immediate family about the baby.  I am excited to share the news!

I'm still praying daily that this little one will be perfect and everything will go smoothly.  Thank God for this blessing so far!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Overwhelmed at the Baby Store

It only took 30 minutes, and I was feeling closed in and overwhelmed by the Babies'R'Us store!  Somehow, shopping for baby things to put on the registry was so much easier online.  Yes, it was nice to see some things in person, but boy (or girl!), there are a lot of cute, fuzzy, colorful things in that store!  I did get to pick up my "gift bag" (aka buy-from-us bag) of various coupons and baby paraphernalia.

I have been nesting in the form of crocheting lately.  I told Craig that since we weren't really talking about the baby, I was making everything crochet I could think of to nest.  While I was out near Babies'R'Us, I stopped at Michael's and bought 5+ pounds of yarn (to put this in perspective, yarn doesn't weigh that much!) in a variety of baby colors and some fiberfill.  I finished my first crocheted stuffed animal - a cute purple elephant.

My first attempt at crocheting a stuffed animal!
This morning, I go to the lab for a repeat of my HCG level.  Here's to hoping and praying that it's over 15,000!

Friday, February 21, 2014

HCG Take Two

Well, it's hard to believe it's already 5 weeks into the pregnancy!  I am still experiencing much of the same symptoms as last week, though my upper back pain has been thwarted by the efforts of my acupuncturist, thankfully!  I haven't been very hungry, and I'm not sure if that's nausea or compliments of a little anxiety from waiting for the second blood test or due to the amoxicillin for my leg (which will be continuing at least another week).

Yesterday, we took a new weekly picture.  I am getting more excited by the day!  (As if you couldn't tell by the gigantic smile on my face!)

5 Weeks Along

I also went yesterday to have my blood drawn again for a second HCG test.  The nurse expects it to be above 10,000, and hopefully above 15,000 so that we can schedule the first ultrasound.  Apparently they got the results more quickly this time (perhaps because I was so anxious to get the test done, I went at 7:45am?), so she called and left me a message last night but without the actual results!  So when I was finished teaching, saw the message, and tried to call, the office was already closed and I couldn't get any information, which led to my nervousness.  To abate some of my anxiety, I ended up taking another home pregnancy test (Whew!  Still positive!), but the test didn't give me an actual number so it really was just a waste of pee.  Haha!  Talk about a sleepless night anticipating calling this morning!

The nurse told me that my level had reached 9242 this time around.  Talk about deflated hope because I was anticipating much more!  The doctor on call reviewed the results and said that this could still be low normal.  After doing some reading, I learned that HCG can double every 48-72 hours, so if I'm doubling every 72 hours, my value is still in the normal range.  I'm scheduled to retest on Sunday and then, hopefully, we'll be above 15,000 and can have the ultrasound. (If I figure on the 72 hour doubling, I should hit 18,000-ish by then.)  Most of the sources I've read still show me in the 5 weeks pregnant range with the 9242, which is comforting.
HCG level on 02/19/14
I haven't had any change in my early pregnancy symptoms and no spotting or pain.  I am a little concerned that a slowly increasing HCG level might mean an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, but I am a little bit of a worst-case-scenario kind of person sometimes.  With God's help, I am doing my best to stay calm, stress free, and positive.

So, here's to hoping and waiting some more...


Dearest Mary, I look to you now for the help of your maternal love. You understand my trials as an expectant mother. You bore Jesus in your womb. You know the doubts and anxieties that beset me; you know the bodily suffering I endure. Like you, may I turn all these sorrows into joy. You overcame anxiety by a loving trust in God; you overcame doubt by gentle resignation to His will.
Your motherhood lifted your mind above earth and kept it close to God.
So speak to Jesus now with me, beloved Mother, as I seek prayerfully to learn to bear the trials of motherhood with joy.
Mother of Perpetual Help, Pray for me!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Early Pregnancy Signs

Baby LaTour is now approximately the size of an appleseed.  Funny, I brought an apple as part of my lunch today!  I'm somewhere around 35-37 days into pregnancy.  It's so amazing feeling the changes in my body while this little human grows inside me!  What a miracle!

Week 4 - Baby LaTour is the size of an appleseed!
I remember the constant urge to pee last time around, but it's so annoying to get up every hour to head to the bathroom when I'm trying to get work done!  I don't know how I'm going to be able to deal with it during my 4+ hour surgery labs on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons...

My "girls" are tender, which is a new feeling for me.  I told Craig that the only way I'm mentally dealing with my boobs being this tender is thinking that the more they hurt, the bigger they're going to get!  Haha!

I've experienced some fatigue, leading to a daily nap when I can fit it in.  Plus, my upper back has been sore.  Hopefully, my acupuncture session yesterday will help with that for a few days!

No morning sickness yet, though a little bit of nausea after breakfast recently, especially when I'm trying to take my amoxicillin for this erythema nodosum on my leg.  So, I'm not sure if the nausea is from the antibiotics or from the pregnancy.

On Sunday, I had a bit of a scare when I had a little light pink spotting.  Luckily, it only happened one time and then went away, and I haven't experienced any more since.

Overall, I'm just anxious for my repeat HCG level tomorrow.  It's supposed to be somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000, based on doubling every 48 hours.  If all looks good when I get the results on Thursday morning, we're going to tell some of our immediate family.  It's hard to talk to people like Mom and Dad without saying anything about this miracle inside me!  Yes, we're both still nervous that things could change at any minute.  After all, that's what happened last time.  But my HCG level was 1,000 higher than last time, and I'm feeling great and experiencing all these early pregnancy symptoms.

On a crafty note, I've made two sets of baby booties and a hat.  I also finished a blue & white granny square blanket I had started YEARS ago - not sure if the baby will be a boy, but if it is, the blanket is ready!  I'm waiting for a crochet pattern book for a Noah's Ark blanket/toys to arrive in the mail.

We're not going to find out the sex of the baby.  At least, I don't want to, though Craig does!  For me, it's one of the only surprises left in life; even time of death can be planned.  I want to be totally surprised when the baby comes out.  Girl or boy, we'll be blessed.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bloodwork Results are Promising

I just got off the phone with the Ob/Gyn Nurse.  She said my HCG level was 1265, which is consistent for a pregnancy between 4-6 weeks.  (I'm estimating 4 weeks based on my BBT.) 

HCG level on 02/12/14
Due to my previous miscarriage, the doctor wants me to repeat the HCG level every week until it surpasses 10,000.  Once I'm 8 weeks along or have an HCG level above 15,000, I'll get an early ultrasound with a nurse to make sure everything looks good (again due to my history of miscarriage).  Since HCG doubles every 48 hours, it's hopeful that I'll be at 15,000 on Wednesday when I go back for bloodwork again.

Additionally, we booked an OB group class (where they tell us all about pregnancy & childbirth) for March 12th (at around 8 weeks) and an appointment with my doctor on March 26th (at around 10 weeks) to hear the baby's heartbeat by Doppler!  So exciting!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


It's official!  Two pregnancy tests this morning showed that yes, we're pregnant!  (I even used a digital one so that Craig didn't say, "Are you sure there are two lines there?")

One... Two... Pee!

I'm very excited, though a little worried about the risk of another miscarriage, and Craig is happy but says he's still a little in shock.  I plan to call my Ob/Gyn today to schedule a blood test and a first ultrasound.  It's exciting!

Other than telling various medical professionals for specific reasons, we're going to wait to tell anyone else at this point.  The emotional stress from last time, when I had to explain the miscarriage to people that knew I was pregnant, is a big deterrent for me.  Don't get me wrong, I want to tell the whole wide world that we're expecting!  Especially since it's been 19 months since we first started trying.  I just can't go through the experience of explaining that I miscarried again, so it's safer to just wait it out until we have a cute ultrasound picture to show people.  I know that miscarriages happen and that I shouldn't be ashamed of talking about mine, but it's really not a comfortable situation for me, especially when I don't really know why it happened.

Back to the excitement for now!!  Time to work on the baby registry a little bit...

4 Weeks Along


Powerful is your intercession with God, Mary, for you are his mother. Tender , too, is your love for us, for you are our mother. Confidently , then, I come to you as a child, poor and needy, to seek your aid and protection. In every trial of motherhood, I beg your aid. For the grace of a happy delivery, I come to you. For your holy assistance in guarding  and directing each tiny soul with which God entrusts me, I call to you. In every sorrow that comes to me in my motherhood, I confide in you.

That I may have strength to bear cheerfully all the pains and hardships of motherhood, I lean on you. That the sweetness of motherhood may not through my neglect be embittered in later years by pains of regret, I trust in you.
That the will of God may always be fulfilled in me through each act of my motherhood, little and great, I beg your aid. Never forsake me dear Mother, my hope, my consolation, my confidence, and my trust, but ever be at my side to aid and protect me, your needy child. Amen.
Mother of Love, of Sorrow, and of Mercy, Pray for us!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Couldn't Wait!

Everyone knows I'm pretty impatient.  I didn't sleep well last night, so my BBT was taken at 4am (still high) and then I took it again after I dozed till 6am (dropped).  Ugh, I was so confused but I tracked the 4am since it was after 3+ hours of sleep (the recommended way).  Then I threw my hands up and took a pregnancy test...

Faint positive is still positive, so WAHOO!  We're pregnant again!  Of course, I won't believe it until at least tomorrow and a few more tests (including an eventual blood test at my Ob/Gyn).  This is mostly because I got a very similar faint line back in May when I miscarried, so I'm expecting the worst.  I'll test again tomorrow morning (after a likely stop at CVS this evening to pick up one of every brand of pregnancy test on the market!).  Craig also likes to see multiple versions of "YES!" before he accepts the fact I'm pregnant, haha!

How do I feel?  As in early pregnancy symptoms?  Well, I have been a little more tired (without additional activity or errands on my part), I am more weepy than usual for the time of my cycle, I keep peeing a lot (I hated this symptom back in May but I welcome any sign that I'm pregnant at this point!), and my "girls" have been slightly tender for the last two days.  One thing that has been the same for both pregnancies is how wonderful my skin looks!  This is supposed to change with hormones, but I can see a noticeable difference.

Mostly I feel blessed.  It's no small thing to conceive a child.  It is truly a gift from God, and I accept it with all of my heart.  The following is a prayer from, to Mary, Our Holy Mother:

Mother of Christ, you know, as no other mother can, the high dignity of motherhood. You know how immensely great is the privilege to call into this world a tiny soul destined to praise God forever in heaven. This is the privilege I now seek, Mary!

Confidently I beg you to assist me, for I know that motherhood is so precious in your sight. And confidently too, I hope for this blessing through your divine Son, since Jesus is the lover of the little children and has said that we should allow them to come to Him.

It is for this blessing that I beg you to join to my petitions your own holy intercession, that I might be privileged to bring to Jesus a little one such as He so dearly loves, that He may bless it, that He may bless me, also, in my motherhood, and that He may then make us both grow in the wonders of His Divine Life.
Mother of Mothers, Pray for me!

Monday, February 10, 2014

T - Two Days

What is more precious than a pair of baby booties?  This weekend I crocheted two pairs.  Craig has always told me that I am "not allowed" to make baby booties until I'm expecting.  Well, I am due to get my period any day now, and my BBT has been up and still is, and I have a hopeful-but-not-wanting-to-be-too-hopeful feeling, so I just went for it and made the booties.  I figure, there has to be some reason why I've never made them before and am feeling compelled to make them now.

Needless to say, the first pair were cute but a little large for a newborn!  The second pair were also cute but too small (so they ended up on my great-niece's doll!).  I decided to give up for now, seeing as I'll just be upset if I make all these booties and then I get my monthly "friend."

First try at making baby booties... a little too large for a newborn!

My period was due sometime between yesterday and tomorrow.  No sign yet, and my BBT was still up this morning.  I'm going to take a pregnancy test on Wednesday morning, since I have the morning off from work and could actually spend time celebrating with Craig if it's positive.  I also want to wait a day longer than necessary for two additional reasons:  chances are better for a positive test if one has actually missed one's period, and I've tested before, right around when my period was due, only to have my period arrive a few hours later.  So, I'm giving my body two more days to have nice high temperatures and NOT start bleeding.

This evening is another acupuncture session.  I'm sure both my acupuncturist and I will have our fingers crossed this time.  I might have him put in some anti-anxiety needles to keep me calm for the next two days until I know what's up.  It's so hard to wait when it's something you've waited 19 months for already.  I swear, if I had known it was going to be this hard to get (and stay) pregnant, I could have saved a lot of money on birth control for a decade!

Well, here's to patience and hopefulness over the next two days.  I keep thinking about a maternity t-shirt I saw that had words on the belly stating, "Miracle in Progress."  It's worth the wait.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Due Date

Today would have been the due date for our little poppyseed.  I would like to say that I've spent the last nine months happily anticipating getting pregnant again, or even that I am pregnant again.  But that's not the case.  It's been nine months since the miscarriage and 19 months since we started trying to conceive.  I've had "feelings" like I should have been pregnant during certain cycles, but my cycle keeps chugging along.

Around August, I started doing a LOT of research into things that supposedly helped increase fertility and your chances of getting pregnant.  I still have 6 boxes of green tea packets in my cabinet.  I ate a gazillion ounces of dried goji berries (which really don't taste that great, by the way) and tried an herb called Vitex for a few months.  I started weekly acupuncture.  I've been charting my basal body temperature (BBT) every morning before I get out of bed and peeing on ovulation predictor kit (OPK) strips, and I even went so far as to check my cervical mucus daily for a few cycles (not the most fun or least icky thing I've ever done).

I also went to a new OB/GYN, who I loved at first impression!, who had recommended the charting and OPKs.  After a visit in November, he said that my charts looked good, like I was ovulating every cycle, and that I shouldn't have a reason to not be pregnant eventually.  "Come back to see me in May if you're not pregnant by then," he said.

What do I have to show for all this crazy fertility-increasing hoop-jumping I've done?  Well, the acupuncture actually seems to have helped.  This is somewhat to my surprise; I wasn't raised with much knowledge about Eastern medicine.  My cycle has lengthened from 21 days to approximately 30 days; ovulation seems to occur between cycle days 15-18.  I now know that my BBT is on the lower end in general (I've never had a regular temperature above 98 degrees unless I was sick anyway) and that I can see both when I ovulated and when I'll get my period based on what my chart is doing.  (For someone with somewhat irregular cycles, it's nice to know when to stock up on feminine products.)  In some ways, as my hopefulness has dwindled these past few months, my acupuncturist has become more eager to see me pregnant.  He's probably more excited when I tell him that I ovulated and am waiting for the luteal phase to finish than I am!

As I sit here in the old wooden rocking chair given to us by my mother-in-law, in the room that should have been the baby's, with my feet propped on a cat scratching device, surrounded by my four fur-babies, I wonder how things would have been different had I not miscarried last May.  In the least, the cats would have had a rude awakening that they were not Numero Uno in the house anymore.

I still mourn our baby.  I've mourned it for nine months.  People have noticed I haven't been myself.  Some of my fellow message board posters on Weight Watchers Online have noticed that I haven't had my head in the weight loss "game" since I miscarried (obviously I had put that on hold when I became pregnant, but I tried to start losing again when some time had passed after the miscarriage).  I've tried reading other miscarriage blogs; I've tried getting up the energy to write about how I was feeling on this blog.  Nothing helps quell the feelings inside me, not even my weekly teary-eyed visits to church.  Instead, I have been trying to picture this baby bouncing on my grandfather's knee up in heaven.  When he passed in October, my aunt told me his death meant three babies were to be born.  I had told her out loud that I hoped it wasn't three at one time to a single person, but right now I would happily take triplets over this dismal feeling that I won't or can't get pregnant again.

I always said, "Whatever happens, happens," when it comes to having a baby.  That doesn't mean I haven't hoped, prayed, begged God about it, though.  It's in His hands, this whole baby venture.  No matter how resolutely I promise the baby will turn out to be a priest or a nun or a Catholic missionary (which sounds a little humorous right now), we haven't conceived again.

At the moment, I'm in the middle of what is called "The Two Week Wait," the time between ovulation and your next cycle.  Let me tell you, for someone who has never been notoriously patient, this is the toughest time each cycle for me.  The only thing I can do during this time is hand the decision over to God.  I don't let my hopes get too high anymore.  I don't take pregnancy tests every day hoping to see two lines.  I don't talk about it with my husband.  I just wait.  It's not peaceful and it's not easy, but I do it.  Seven more days to find out which way I'm blessed:  a new cycle or a new baby.

In the meantime, Happy Birthday to my little poppyseed.